Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It needs to stop.

I need to stop having dreams like that. So realistic, so emotional, so bothering. What I also need to do is stop eating so close to when I go to bed...damn eggs and toast!

Anyways, things are interesting. It always seems for me that when one thing ends another is shortly following. Well this is no different. Its nice to have someone to call after work and just talk to about nothing for what's been very hefty chunks of time. And getting to know someone is so much fun :)

Also, I have somewhat of a new addiction. Its technology induced, of course, which I hate because that's more time spent on my computer not actually doing anything and not having a life. Anyway, I've found that I've been looking up celebrities on Twitter? Random, I know. But it's cool...because they're normal people and they Tweet (?) about normal things and I just wish I was famous...that's the bottom line. Ha. No, but really, Miley Cyrus is human too!!!!!

Now that I look like a big loser I'm going to peace outttt. Gotta go to work so I can make that money and afford all my trips this summer ;)

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