Monday, July 13, 2009

Ouch/Party Time.

Ok so I think I may have tweaked something in my back. I can conclude that its from sleeping in a foreign bed for a my back rebelled against me.

This is extremely unfortunate because I do a lot of lifting at work, and bending over to pick things up. So I've found that recently I can't even do simple tasks without a shooting pain in my right side. Its like once I bend over I just wanna stay there because I know when I try to straighten up its gonna kill like a bitch. And it usually does.

For now I'm just going to power through it. If it does get worse...well, by that time I'll probably be home and off of work for a little while. I can treat it with some boozin' because I'll be 21 by then. Oh joy.

Speaking of home, I can't wait to be there. The day I get back my father and Marlene are throwing a complete ripper for me at their house. She told me there will probably be a keg (or two!) at the party. I shot some invites to my friends to come over and take advantage of the free booze and free (catered) cuisine. My dad always told me, "We had a keg at your first birthday party, so that means we have to have one at your 21st!!"...gotta love him. Also, my dad's side of the family...they are like the masters of acquiring tons and tons of fireworks. Mind you that they are illegal in MA. So of course, we are also having a fireworks display that night. Happy birthday to me lol.

Hopefully I will survive my 21st. I knowwwww my friends have some fucken crazy shit planned for me, and they won't stop until I'm totally hammered. None of that lame, "Oh lets go to the bar and have a couple drinks" shit. Nah, all-out, booze-fest. Basically we're fucken bar-hop the shit outta downtown and get shitfaced. My friends and I know how to have a good time, and we are gonna do just that. FUCK YES.

Ahhh...I can't wait :)

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