Sunday, March 29, 2009


Knee = officially destroyed. Now the whole thing hurts. Can't bend it all the way or it feels like a hot piece of metal is being pressed into my knee. Shit, it kills.

And I'm not sure how I feel about a booty call type situation...but we'll see.

Also, I have a good situation right now. But there's just that one barrier that stops everything. God damn the rules. ;-)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Injuries so far this 2009 season (12 games in):

Upper left shin = destroyed. From slinding into a concrete-esque third base and colliding with the 3rd baseman. Don't touch it or I might cry.

Lower left shin = bruised. From sliding into a catcher at home (i was safe, yeeee)

Right knee = ouch. Again, from sliding into the catcher.

Left shoulder = sore. From throwing so much.

Right shoulder = shit. From life and hitting a lot.

Right rib cage = bruised and destroyed. From running full speed into a fence trying to catch a foul ball.

Right heel = wtf? This just started hurting today. I dont even know what I did. I think I landed hard on a rock.

Chest = sore. Some bitch threw her elbow into my chest while running by at first base. Fuck that hoe.

And we still have 6 days, 12 games left. Lets see if I'm still alive by the end of this trip, eh?